For more videos for the classroom and discussion triggers please see the Clean Speech UK YouTube Channel
A bit about the Clean Speech Project UK
About the Clean Speech Project (2022)
Beatboxer Paul gives us a bit of Clean Speech beatboxing talent
Clean Speech 2023 action
Clean Speech learning action at Rosh Pinah
Clean Speech Project in Camden
Clean Speech reflections
Clean Speech reflections
Clean Speech reflections
Clean Speech reflections
Day 9 - Well it's true?!
Impactful Speech
Karaoke: Think Positive - Speak Positive
Rabbi Fine interviewing Azeem Rafiq for the Clean Speech Project
Sinai year 1 sing the Clean Speech song
Teacher Surprise
We are all excited!
We asked 2: What positive words do you carry with you
We asked 3: What negative words do you carry with you?
We asked people 1 - what tricks can you do with your mouth
For full videos see the Clean SPeech Project UK YouTube channel